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선원의 송환비용 및 재해보상관련 고시

국토해양부 고시 제 2012-88호

   『선원법』 제40조, 제106조, 같은 법 시행령 제5조제1항제5호 및 제32조제1항제5호에 따른 “국제적인 공제업무를 운영하는 자의 공제로서 선원의 송환비용 및 재해보상을 보증할 능력이 있는 공제”를 아래의 사업자가 운영하는 공제로 고시합니다.

2012년 3월 7일

  1. American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc

  2. Assuranceforeningen Gard

  3. Gard P&I (Bermuda) Ltd.

  4. Assuranceforeningen Skuld

  5. Skuld Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Bermuda) Ltd.

  6. The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Limited

  7. The Japan Ship Owners’ Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association

  8. The London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited

  9. The North of England Protecting & Indemnity Association Limited

  10. The Shipowners’ Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association (Luxembourg)

  11. The Standard Steamship Owners’ Protection & Indemnity Association (Bermuda) Limited

  12. The Standard Steamship Owners’ Protection and Indemnity Association (Europe) Ltd.

  13. The Standard Steamship Owners’ Protection and Indemnity Association (London) Ltd.

  14. The Standard Steamship Owners’ Protection and Indemnity Association (Asia) Ltd.

  15. The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Limited

  16. The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association Ltd.

  17. The Swedish Club

  18. United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Bermuda) Limited

  19. United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Ltd.

  20. The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

  21. Lloyd's Syndicate

                                부칙 <제2012-88호, 2012. 3. 7>

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