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Subject Tracking wanted automobiles Involved with Violent Crimes in Real-time with CCTVs... Reinforcing the Urban Safety Network
Upload Date 2019-09-27 Source MOLIT News
Name Kim, Dae-jin (044-201-4725) Inquiry 1137
Attached File 1 Tracking wanted automobiles Involved with Violent Crimes in Real_time with CCTVs_Reinforcing the Urban Safety Network1.docx Document Preview
Tracking wanted automobiles Involved with Violent Crimes in Real-time with CCTVs... Reinforcing the Urban Safety Network

- inked with the National Disaster Safety System Integrated Platform for Constructing a Safety Network for Smart Cities

- To be Expanded in Stages after the Five Local Government Pilot Projects Starting from October

□ CCTVs (closed-circuit TVs) spread across the nation will be used in a broader spectrum for the prompt arrest of emergency wanted automobiles related to arresting violent criminals or finding people attempting to commit suicide.

□ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Minister Kim Hyun-mee) and the National Police Agency (Commissioner Min Gap-ryong) agreed on a ‘Smart City Safety Network Construction MOU’ to provide support for rapid police dispatch and victim relief by checking the location information of emergency wanted automobiles in real-time together with Seoul, Gwangju, and Gangwon-do on September 25.

ㅇ The MOU is mainly regarding the linking of the local government’s smart city integrated platform* and wanted automobile scanning system** (WASS) to compare and search vehicle plate numbers recognized by local government CCTVs with the wanted automobile database to send the location information to the WASS as soon as the vehicle is spotted.

* Smart City Center Integrated Platform: Platform that links and provide integrated management of various smart city service information systems provided by local governments such as crime and disaster prevention, traffic, facility management, etc.

** Wanted Automobile Scanning System (WASS): System that queries and analyzes up to 200 emergency wanted automobiles a day in real time by linking approximately 12,000 CCTVs of arterial roads

□ WASS used CCTVs in the past to apprehend vehicles used for escape after crimes such as murder, kidnapping and robbery, but there were limitations to check urban routes because there are only about 12,000 CCTVs mostly located on arterial roads.

ㅇ It is expected that by linking the 510,000 crime prevention CCTVs* of 229 local government smart city centers around the nation through this project, it will be possible to identify the routes of emergency wanted automobiles not only on arterial roads, but also in urban centers, alleyways and backside roads, thus making it possible to construct a tighter security safety network.

* By installing vehicle recognition solutions in crime prevention CCTVs, it will be possible to use for scanning for wanted automobiles

ㅇ Furthermore, with the request of police officers dispatched to the scene, the smart city center will provide on-site photos, flight routes of criminals, evidence photos, etc. to actively support arresting criminals and handling cases promptly.

□ A safety device was put into place so that no issues related to privacy protection in the course of providing location information of emergency wanted automobiles would occur.

ㅇ When police officers provide vehicle plate numbers only for emergency wanted automobiles for the purpose of preventing, subjugation and investigation of violent crimes such as murder, robbery, kidnapping, etc. allowed* by the Privacy Protection Act, the smart city center responds with the location information of the said vehicle.

* When accepted to be necessary for urgent protection of life, health and property, or when necessary for investigating a crime, it can be provided to a third person (Privacy Protection Act Article 18 Paragraph 2)

ㅇ Furthermore, plans are to preserve CCTV video records provided and require authentication to access, while constructing the network separately in order to prevent hacking.

□ Through this MOU, the project will begin a pilot program mainly with five local governments such as Seoul, Gwangju, Gangwon-do, Eunpyeong-gu, and Seocho-gu from October of this year, and plans are to extend it to all local governments in the nation in a series of stages.

* WASS linked local governments (total): (’19) 5 → (’20) 79 → (’21) 108 → (’22~) 229

□ Meanwhile, the MOLIT has been pursuing the ‘smart city safety network construction project’ that links national disaster safety systems such as 112, 119, disaster relief, socially vulnerable (children, dementia patients, etc.) protection with local governments following the sinking of the Sewol Ferry in ‘14.

* Daejeon project effects (as of ’18): reduced crime rate (6.2%↓), 7-minute fire truck arrival (63% → 79%), etc.

ㅇ 12 local governments were additionally reflected in this year’s extra budget and plans are to construct smart city safety networks in 49 local governments by this year and expand it to 108 local governments by ‘21 and then nationwide later.

□ MOLIT Urban Economy Division Manager Bae Sung-ho said, “Such inter-department cooperation project will have a huge effect for budget-savings in the fact that national resources will be used jointly.”

ㅇ He added, “By utilizing CCTV resources spread around the nation to track emergency wanted automobiles, it will be possible to provide greater safety for citizens by arresting criminals involved in violent crimes and providing rapid relief for victims of crimes.”