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K-Drone to Save Lives and More
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) and the Korea Institute of Aviation Safety Technology (KIAST, President LEE Dae-sung) announced the results of th..
K-Railway Won KRW 2.2 Trillion Moroccan Metro Project
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) announced last month (01:00 a.m. 26 February 2025, KST) that Hyundai Rotem won contracts to supply 240 inter-city m..
Integrated Transport Mobility Service for Convenient Travelling
Integrated travel platform for locating my train, booking an airport bus, and renting a car, as well as a combining reservation service for airline and train tickets
Ministry ..
Fuel Subsidy for Hydrogen Buses to Increase from March 1st
Fuel subsidy per kilogram of hydrogen increased from 3,600 won to 5,000 won to lower bus operators’ cost down to the level of electric buses’
Ministry of Land, Infrastruct..
Automated Vehicles Set to Run around Our Daily Lives
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) has announced that it will support the operation of automated vehicle services in several regions, including Seoul,..