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Subject Integrated Transport Mobility Service for Convenient Travelling
Upload Date 2025-02-28 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 257
Attached File 1 Integrated Transport Mobility Service for Convenient Travelling.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 Integrated Transport Mobility Service for Convenient Travelling.docx Document Preview

Integrated travel platform for locating my train, booking an airport bus, and renting a car, as well as a combining reservation service for

airline and train tickets

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) and Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL, President & CEO

HAN Moon-hee) announced that the number of uses of the integrated travel platform service, 'KORAIL MaaS' (Mobility as a Service), which

was launched in June 2024, exceeded 5.78 million as of the end of 2024.

In particular, the train location service, which allows users to check the location of trains in real time, has been used the most, with about 5.3 million times since the start of the service, and the service for finding routes from departure to destination has also been used about 250,000 times.

'KORAIL Maas' provides convenient train related services in line with travelers’ schedule by interconnecting transportation and travel

services such as ① route finder, ② train location, ③ parking settlement, ④ airport bus reservation, ⑤ car rental reservation, ⑥ luggage

delivery, ⑦ leisure voucher, and ⑧ sightseeing taxi on KORAIL’s mobile application.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details!