The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) has released an explainer video aimed at helping youth generation, especially high school seniors who have just taken the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) and university students, safely
navigate their first “Jeonse” (Korean housing tenancy system with one time deposit) contracts, which is available on the MOLIT's official
YouTube channel* offering essential information when it comes to housing tenancy contracts.
As part of the government's ongoing efforts to prevent Jeonse fraud in line with the ‘initiative to strengthen housing stability support for
Jeonse fraud victims’ started last May 27th, this is particularly geared towards young people who have relatively less experiences with real
estate contracts and higher risk of being victims of them and is to enhance public awareness of relative instructions by providing helpful
information to prevent Jeonse fraud, produced by MOLIT and Educational Broadcasting System (EBS).
The explainer video clip includes three parts focused on five typical types of Jeonse fraud, and was produced in a reality-based manner in
which experts in real estate clarify hidden risk factors in contracts while observing the process of practical contracts for Jeonse tenancy in
multi-household houses, etc.