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Subject Incheon Airport Getting Ready for Completing the Next Phase of the Construction
Upload Date 2024-07-24 Source MOLIT News
Name 이수연 Inquiry 43
Attached File 1 New Expansion of the Incheon Int’l Airport.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 New Expansion of the Incheon Int’l Airport.docx Document Preview

Incheon Int’l Airport is getting ready for completing the 4th phase of its construction project in 100 days (31 October, 2024) welcoming the

era of over 100 million annual passengers

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) has inspected the constructing and operating status of

the Incheon Airport’s phase 4 construction project in order to make sure for completing the large scale project of 7 years (2017~2024) till the end of upcoming October this year, while calling for putting efforts all together with related workforces from Custom/ /Immigration/

Quarantine (CIQ), airlines, ground handling companies, and construction firms, etc.

Incheon International Airport has been conducting continuous expansion projects based on a phased development plan since its opening in 2001, and has been carrying out the 4-phased project, starting with Phase 1 (1992~2001) for the constructions of the Terminal 1 and Runway 1 & 2, Phase 2 (2002~2008) for Concourse and Runway 3, Phase 3 (2009~2017) for Terminal 2, and the Phase 4 (2017~2024) for the expansion of Terminal 2 as well as the construction of Runway 4.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details!