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Subject MOLIT’s Support for NDCs
Upload Date 2024-07-23 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 47
Attached File 1 MOLIT’s Support for NDC.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 MOLIT’s Support for NDC.docx Document Preview

Up to KRW 500 million to support feasibility studies and expert consulting on the project of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

committed to an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in South Korea

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) held a briefing session on July 12th for companies

interested in an international greenhouse gas reduction project in the fields of construction, transport, and other areas related to the

MOLIT’s policies.

The international greenhouse gas reduction project aims to address the global climate crisis, support sustainable development in

developing countries, and contribute to South Korea's goal of the 2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) *.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details!