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Subject [Card News] Use Your International Credit Card for InterCity Buses in Korea!
Upload Date 2024-07-23 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 77
pic 1. Use Your International Credit Card for InterCity Buses in Korea!

pic 2. Expansion of Payment Service for Overseas Credit Card Users

MOLIT tries to broaden payment services in order to revitalize public transport with enhanced convenience of intercity buses.

pic 3. Here is the text from the image:

Improved International Credit Card Payment Service in Korea

Starting on July 31st, payment services with international credit cards set to be improved by allowing overseas card payments for on-site ticketing, as well as enabling mobile reservations and payments for all intercity bus routes from August 16th.

pic 4. Make Use of International Card Payments at All Intercity Bus Terminals

Purchase on-site tickets at all terminals (243 in total) in Korea from July 31st!

Acceptable payment cards are Visa, Master, JCB, and UnionPay, the same as those for express buses, and are going to include more!

pic 5. Mobile Reservations & Payments By Downloading Apps

Mobile reservations using international credit cards are provided through two sorts of mobile Apps as ‘Bus Tago’ for both domestic and international users and ‘InterCity Bus’ in exclusive for foreign users.

pic 6. Finding Applications at Mobile App Stores

Available Dates for International Credit Card Payments:

On-site reservation and payment from July 31st ~
Mobile reservation and payment from August 16th ~
Downloading at Play Store & Apple Store:

Bus Tago,
InterCity Bus