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Subject Unmanned Automated Driving Vehicles to Run in Korea
Upload Date 2024-06-12 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 168
Attached File 1 Unmanned Automated Vehicles to Run in Korea.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 Unmanned Automated Vehicles to Run in Korea.docx Document Preview

The first temporary operation permission has been granted to a domestic unmanned automated driving vehicle as a step for developing

full-fledged autonomous driving by gradual verifications; along with the efforts to advance the temporary operation permission for

autonomous vehicles to expand the demonstration of unmanned automated driving vehicles

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) grants the Permission for Temporary Operation* for an unmanned automated driving vehicle developed by a domestic startup company on the designated road in order to promote the

advancement of self-driving technology.

* This is to allow a temporary road operation with unregistered vehicles in accordance with the Article 27 of Motor Vehicle Management Act, permitting road operations for autonomous vehicles with the purpose of testing, research, and technology development.

The vehicle that has received the temporary operation permit this time is the first Korea’s unmanned automated driving vehicle for

passengers (maximum speed 50 km/h)*.

* It has been developed into the unmanned automated vehicle by attaching a self-driving system and a LiDAR sensor, etc. to a domestically

produced SUV.

The automated vehicles that had received the temporary operation permission earlier were with a test driver at the driver's seat, or

extremely low-speed (maximum speed of below 10 km/h), or special-purpose ones such as cleaning trucks, etc.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details!