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Subject New Airline Route Established between Korea and Georgia
Upload Date 2024-07-01 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 98
Attached File 1 New Air Route Established between Korea and Georgia.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 New Air Route Established between Korea and Georgia.docx Document Preview

Bilateral Air Talks resulted in agreements on establishment of shared passenger and cargo traffic rights (7 flights per week)

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) agreed on the establishment of new traffic rights for

regular passenger and cargo flights between the two countries at the Korea-Georgia Air Talks* held in Tbilisi, Georgia from Wed. 26 to

Thu. 27 June.

Georgia is a country where travel demand* continues to grow as people's interest in new travel destinations increases, and the trade volume** between the two countries has also been steadily increasing as it is located at the trade center connecting Europe and Asia.

* [Number of passenger demands between the two countries] 4,877 in 2017 → 9,113 in 2019 → 9,835 in 2023

** [Trade volume / USD million] 94 in 2017 → 105 in 2019 → 114 in 2021 → 130 in 2022 → 207 in 2023

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