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Subject Establishing Design Standards of UAM Vertiport Jointly with UAM Team Korea & Smart+ Building Alliance
Upload Date 2024-02-23 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 249
Attached File 1 Establishing Design Standards of UAM Vertiport.docx Document Preview
Attached File 2 Establishing Design Standards of UAM Vertiport.pdf Document Preview

Held a workshop on the convergence of buildings and Vertiports to discuss how to build UAM infrastructure

An opportunity for public-private cooperation has been opening to share research results on the establishment and development of

Vertiports, which is the centerpiece of newly emerging urban air mobility (hereinafter referred to as ‘UAM’), and to discuss related future

policy directions.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) held a workshop for the UAM Team Korea Infrastructure Subcommittee* & Smart+ Building Alliance** to discuss the field of UAM infrastructure development together with experts from the private

sector on Thursday 22 February in Seoul Station.

* Subcommittee for public-private and industry-academia practical cooperation to discuss Vertiport construction and development within

UAM Team Korea (since May 2023)

** Public-private consultative body discussing ways to apply UAM, robots, autonomous driving, etc. to architectural spaces (Since February


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