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Subject Automated Driving Vehicles to Run Nationwide
Upload Date 2023-11-28 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 377
Attached File 1 Automated Driving Vehicles to Run All Around Nationwide.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 Automated Driving Vehicles to Run All Around Nationwide.docx Document Preview

Early achievement of the goal of expanding pilot operating districts nationwide, and disclosure of operational performance of existing districts such as Seoul Sangam (Grade A)

  With the designation of 10 new pilot districts for automated driving*, including Incheon and Ulsan Cities, the number of them has expanded to 34 areas across 17 cities and provinces nationwide. Through this, we have achieved the goal of "Mobility Innovation Roadmap (Sep. 2022)" earlier to expand the designated areas all over the country (~2025).

  * Article 7, Designating Pilot Operation Zones, Act on the Promotion of and Support for Commercialization of Autonomous Vehicles: Zones that are granted special exemptions for paid passenger and cargo transportation, and safety standards to research and demonstrate automated driving vehicles

  Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) designated 15 pilot operation zones for automated driving (10 new, 5 changed zones) in 12 cities and provinces through deliberation by the Committee of the Pilot Operation Zones for Automated Driving*, and confirmed and announced evaluation results of the operation outcomes on the existing pilot operation zones.

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