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Subject Increasing International Air Traffic Back Again
Upload Date 2023-08-02 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 382
Attached File 1 Increasing International Air Traffic Back Again.docx Document Preview
Attached File 2 Increasing International Air Traffic Back Again.pdf Document Preview

Result of air traffic counting for the first half of 2023 shows about 31% increase compared to the previous year and 70% increase in international flights

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) announced that as a result of the air traffic counting for the first half of 2023, the number of aircraft using Korea's airways increased by about 31% year-on-year to an average of 1,941 per day (a total of 351,000 in the first half).

* (Aggregated) Based on flight plans submitted by aircraft operators to the MOLIT

* (Annual increase rate) 4.7% (2019) → -50.1% (2020) → 10.8% (2021) → 16.0% (2022) → 31.2% (H1 2023)

In particular, from January to June of 2023, international flights increased by about 5.2% on average per month, and total traffic, including domestic flights, increased by about 4.1% on average per month, significantly exceeding the average of monthly increase in 2022.

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