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Subject Laying the Cooperative Foundation of Korean Smart Mobility with ASEAN Member States
Upload Date 2023-07-04 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 368
Attached File 1 ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum.docx Document Preview
Attached File 2 ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum.pdf Document Preview

- The 13th ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum is held on 4 July in Seoul

- The Forum convenes high-level ASEAN officials as well as experts in smart mobility

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) announced that it would hold the 13th ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum on 4 July 2023 in Grand Hyatt, Seoul. The Forum, held annually since 2010, will convene key policymakers of 10 ASEAN member states* and mobility experts from home and abroad to discuss ways of further cooperation in future mobility.

* The ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations is composed of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Under the topic of Riding the Wave of Smart Mobility, the Forum will provide an avenue for presenting cutting-edge technologies that Korea has promoted across roads, railways, aviation, and public transport. With the update of country-specific transport conditions by 10 member states, the possibility of incorporating Korean type of smart mobility in ASEAN will be discussed.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details!