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Subject Advanced Logistics Meets Robotics, AI, and ESG at Korea MAT
Upload Date 2023-04-18 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 414
Attached File 1 Advanced logistics meets robotics, AI, and ESG at KINTEX.pdf Document Preview
Attached File 2 Advanced logistics meets robotics, AI, and ESG at KINTEX.docx Document Preview

- Korea's largest ‘International Materials Handling & Logistics Exhibition’ held at KINTEX for 4 days from April 18th

- KRW 125 billion to be invested in logistics R&D including hyper tube and cold chain, and robot delivery to be implemented from the year of 2026

- "The government actively supports Korean youth to become the center of the global logistics revolution", MOLIT Minister Won expressed

The ‘Korea Int'l Materials Handling & Logistics Exhibition (hereinafter as Korea MAT)’, where people are able to overview the trends of advanced logistics technology at a glance, will be held at KINTEX Exhibition Hall #1 in Ilsan for 4 days from Tue. 18 to Wed. 21 April.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) and hosted by the Korea Integrated Logistics Association, the Korea MAT is the largest logistics exhibition in Korea, which has been held since 2011 celebrating its 13th edition this year.

At this Korea MAT, 150 companies ranged from logistics-related start-ups to large corporations will open a total of 780 exhibition booths to promote advanced logistics equipment, systems, and services, especially including various logistics technology exhibitions and seminars centered on Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Environment∙Social∙Governance (ESG) to help people experience the changed status of logistics.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details.