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Subject Resuming Year for Normalization of International Flights, Laying the Foundation for the Aviation Industry over the next 10 years
Upload Date 2023-02-24 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 457
Attached File 1 Airlines Safety Management and Inspection Meeting.docx Document Preview
Attached File 2 Airlines Safety Management and Inspection Meeting.pdf Document Preview

Safety management meeting with airline CEOs held on the 24th seeking for fundamental aviation safety measures

Vice Minister EO Myeong-so of the MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) held an Airline Safety Management and Inspection Meeting attended by CEOs of 11 airlines, including Korean Air, at the Aviation Safety Supervisor’s Office in Gimpo Airport at 2:00 p.m. on 24 Feb. and asked them to focus on laying the groundwork for aviation safety as this is an important year that determines the future pathways of the aviation industry for the next decade.

At this meeting, in relation to the "Safety Management Guidelines for Recovery of International Flight Operations" for each field, such as the ‘Safety Checklist Before Resuming Operation of Overseas Branches’ prepared by the MOLIT last June and notified to airlines in preparation for normalization of international flights,

The Vice Minister Eo emphasized, “Preparation to recover passenger demand in accordance with increasing international flights under easing the Covid-19 quarantine restrictions through thorough compliance with appropriate safety manpower training such as pilots and aircraft de-storage procedures, etc.”

Please refer to the attached file or the preview for more details.