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Subject [Card News] Recovery in Flights & Passengers
Upload Date 2023-02-08 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 519

p. 1
Recovered 60% of International Flights
58% of Passengers

60% Recovery of International Flights
58% Recovery of Passengers
- Significantly Increased number of overseas travelers
- Expected recovery of the aviation industry ecosystem
- Appr. 60% recovery of international flights compared to before the outbreak of COVID-19

Changes in the No. of International Flights per Month
International Flights띄움(10,000 flights)
Compared to 2019

Dramatically increased demand for travel on short and medium-distance routes
- Constant increase of international traveling to Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, etc. since the end of Oct. 2022
- Distinct increase to Japan with 8.3 times more compared to last Aug. 2022 in particular
- Appr. 58% recovery of international passengers as of Jan. 2023

- Performance Trend of International Flights in Major Regions
No. of Passengers in Aug. 2022 / No. of Passengers in Nov. 2022 / No. of Passengers in Jan. 2023 / Excluding Japan & China
- (Bracket) is the rate of change compared to the same month in 2019 while Japan’s Jan. 2023 is the one compared to Jan. 2020.