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Subject Overseas Construction Supporting Committee Launched to lead the 2nd Booming in the Middle East
Upload Date 2022-12-29 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 414
Attached File 1 Launch of the Overseas Construction Supporting Committee.docx Document Preview
Attached File 2 Launch of the Overseas Construction Supporting Committee.pdf Document Preview

To support packaged exports including construction, defense, nuclear power plants, ICT, and culture, etc. by establishing cooperative system between export-related ministries and organizations along with private companies

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) launched the public-private joint Supporting Committee for Overseas Construction and held the first meeting in Seoul on 28 Dec.

The Overseas Construction Supporting Committee is a consulting council led by the MOLIT, in which all related ministries, organizations, and industries participate to discover tasks to expand overseas orders and to prepare entry strategies such as packaged order plans. It was established according to the “Strategy for Revitalizing Overseas Infrastructure Orders” announced at the 7th Emergency Economic Conference for People's Livelihood (31 Aug.).

In the future, the Overseas Construction Supporting Committee will play a role in establishing and promoting overseas construction order policy by concentrating the competencies of the government, public institutions, and private companies so that Korea can achieve USD 50 billion in overseas construction orders annually by 2027 and become the 4th largest country in the global construction market share.

Please refer to the attached file or the preview for more details.