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Subject Korea and ASEAN Meet to Discuss Cooperative Measures for “Transition to Smart Mobility”
Upload Date 2022-08-23 Source MOLIT News
Name Shon Hyun-kyoung (044-201-3306, hand1016@korea.kr) Inquiry 466
Attached File 1 220824_MOLIT_Press_Release_The_12th_ASEAN_ROK_Transport_Cooperation_Forum.pdf Document Preview

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport holds the 12th ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum on August 23, 2022

Transport officials from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister Won Hee-ryong) of Korea and from the 10 ASEAN member states gathered together and discussed cooperative measures between Korea and ASEAN for transition to smart mobility.

MOLIT announced that it hosted the 12th ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum at Lotte Hotel in Seoul on August 23, 2022 to discuss ways to expand cooperation for transition to smart mobility, which is considered the future of sustainable transport.

In his opening remarks, Minister Won Hee-ryong said, “Starting with driverless autonomous taxi RoboRide, the era of future mobility has begun in full force in Korea, with innovative services such as urban air mobility and robot/drone-based delivery drawing keen attention.”

Minister Won also stated that he expected Korea and ASEAN to go together in the era of transition to smart mobility, given that the “digital wind” currently blowing in ASEAN is a reliable driving force for smart mobility and transport innovation for both sides.

This was followed by welcome remarks from Secretary-General Novie Riyanto of Indonesia, the chair of the ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM), and then by congratulatory remarks from Secretary-General Hae-yong Kim of the ASEAN-Korea Centre.

Dr. Jaehak Oh, president of the Korea Transport Institute, delivered the keynote speech that conveyed the main theme of this year’s forum “The Strategy for Transition to Smart Mobility.”

The forum proceeded with Session I, which mainly dealt with cooperative measures between Korea and ASEAN on infrastructure for smart mobility. Discussions were enriched by the presence of a wide range of participants - ASEAN delegations, representatives of Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation (KIND) and the ASEAN-Korea Centre, as well as Embassy officials of ASEAN member states in Korea.

In Session II that addressed the ROK strategy for transition to smart mobility, MOLIT set the tone first by sharing with the audience Korea’s policies on autonomous vehicles. Subsequently, Mr. Sehun Kim, managing director of SOCAR, Korea’s app-based car-sharing company, presented the success case of shared mobility and its future, based on carsharing.

In the following session, UNESCAP introduced research results on enhancing smart mobility in ASEAN, and ASEAN member states also shared their country cases, which were proceeded with under the session theme of the current status of smart mobility infrastructure in ASEAN and cooperative measures.

During the Q&A slots allotted for each session, participants - a total of 200 including remote participants at home and abroad - exchanged ideas on how to promote the introduction and expansion of smart mobility through strong cooperation between Korea and ASEAN.

Mr. Lee Woo-je, Director General for Policy Planning of MOLIT said, “With the rapid shift in the global transport environment toward future mobility, ASEAN member states that are accelerating digitalization of transport were actively engaged in the forum.”

He also added, “Our ministry will share Korea’s policies for mobility innovation and further achievements with ASEAN, not only for our win-win development but for helping Korean companies enter the ASEAN market in this new field of transport.”

Please refer to the attached PDF.