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Subject GICC 2022 Seoul, Korea(Story #2)
Upload Date 2022-08-24 Source MOLIT News
Name Charlotte PARK (044-201-3077, parkeunju@korea.kr) Inquiry 555

Story #2
GICC 2022 Seoul, Korea
2022 글로벌 인프라 협력 컨퍼런스

Purpose of the GICC

To develop business partnerships
between overseas participants, MDB organizations
and Korean contractors

GICC’s CORE Program
Project Seminar
1:1 Project Meeting
GICC Minister & CEO Forum

1. Project S eminar

Major global orderin g organization
directly explain to Korean company
the project to be ordered
in the future

Date Aug ust 30(Tu e.) 14:00-18:00
Venu e Dynasty A

2. 1:1 Project Meeting

1:1 Project meeting with
major global ordering organization
at the GICC 2022 venue

Date Aug ust 31(W ed.) 09:00-18:00
Venu e Dynasty B

3. 1:1 Project meeting with
major global ordering organization
at the GICC 2022 venue
Date Aug ust 31(W ed.) 09:00-18:00
Venu e Dynasty B

Share the trends and directions of
the global construction market
with the overseas ministers and
CEO in charge of global
infrastructure construction
projects. Discussion of
cooperation in various fields

Date Au gust 30(T ue.) 13:30-15:00
Venu e Dynasty B

We look forward
to the expansion of orders
for Korean companies
through the core program
at GICC 2022

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#GICC 2022
글로벌 인프라 협력 컨퍼런스 2022
GICC 2022

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