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Subject GICC 2022 Seoul, Korea(Story #1)
Upload Date 2022-08-24 Source MOLIT News
Name Charlotte PARK (044-201-3077, parkeunju@korea.kr) Inquiry 567

Story #1
GICC 2022 Seoul, Korea
2022 글로벌 인프라 협력 컨퍼런스

Global Infrastructure Cooperation Conference
GICC is a diplomatic Infrastructure Cooperation ground
aimed to support our local companies gain contracts
with overseas participants by providing a chance
to share information and personal exchanges.

Right after
the beginning in 2013
2013 ~ 2022
We steadily ran for
10 years reaching a record of
3 billion dollars of contracts
every year.
GICC is now
the 10th anniversary
You can now meet overseas participants
face-to-face in 3 years
after the Covid-19 pandemic.

What’s More
We are about to meet you with a more
“substantial” and “diversified” programs
by holding in associate
with the Smart Construction Expo 2022
Smart Construction Forum
Face-to-Face Project Seminar
GICC Minister & CEO Forum
ODA and MDB Seminar

Growing Overseas
Construction Jumping Korea
The government of the Republic of Korea
will actively support overseas construction
in order to contracts of
$50 billion a year.

We ask for your attention!
We kindly ask
for your attention to the upcoming
GICC 2022 Seoul, Korea
at the end of August.
August 30 -31, 2022
The Shilla Seoul

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글로벌 인프라 협력 컨퍼런스 2022
GICC 2022
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