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Subject Experts Gather in Seoul for Airport Innovation around the World
Upload Date 2022-06-30 Source MOLIT News
Name Charlotte PARK (044-201-3077, parkeunju@korea.kr) Inquiry 532
Attached File 1 0630_Experts_Gather_in_Seoul_for_Airport_Innovation_around_the_World.pdf Document Preview

The first International Forum for Airport Innovation held to discuss sustainability, ESG, and innovative technology in the field of airport

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister: WON Hee-ryong), the Korea Airports Corporation (KAC, President & CEO YOON Hyeong-jung), and the Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC, President & CEO KIM Kyung-wook) jointly held the first International Forum for Airport Innovation at Conrad Seoul, Yeouido, on Thursday afternoon, June 30, 2022.

This inaugural Forum was joined by professionals* at major airports in the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, to name a few, and also experts from the domestic and international aviation sector, including those from EMBRAER**. Participants gathered at the Forum discussed the future of the airport sector faced with the introduction of fourth industrial revolution technologies and future mobility.

* Professionals at Heathrow Airport (UK), Frankfurt Airport (Germany), Narita Airport (Japan), and Airports Council International (ACI), etc.
** EMBRAER is a Brazilian aerospace manufacturer and the third largest producer of commercial aircraft in the world.

The Forum was also joined by a remarkable audience of professionals from the airport industry and academia as well as 40 trainees* from overseas who are participating in invitational training programs of KAC and IIAC. The members of the audience exchanged diverse opinions with expert panelists by engaging in discussions and Q&A sessions.

* Invitational trainees from CPK (Solidarity Transport Hub Company, Poland) and trainees in the ICAO-MOLIT Master’s Program in Aviation Management

The 2022 International Forum for Airport Innovation consisted of three sessions, and the topics for each session are as follows.

(Session 1) Session 1 covered some of the major global trends including ESG, sustainability, post-pandemic recovery, and partnership with local communities, and the implications of such trends on the airport sector. Keynote speeches were delivered by experts from the Airports Council International (ACI), etc..

(Session 2) Session 2 was moderated by Professor Chul-ung Lee of Korea University. Expert panelists from Frankfurt and Narita Airports shared their experiences of adopting innovative technologies in the airport and how each of them is preparing for the future of airport.

(Session 3) In Session 3, Professor Ho-jong Baik of Korea Aerospace University moderated the presentations and discussions on development of aircraft technology and consequent changes to airport infrastructure. Participants actively discussed how the introduction of next-generation air mobility, such as UAM, would trigger innovation of airport infrastructure.

MOLIT Deputy Minister for Aviation Policy Yong-seog Kim said, “The year 2022 holds great significance for Korea as it marks the 70th anniversary of Korea’s admission to ICAO*, and as it is also the year when the ICAO Assembly is held in September. At the Assembly, the decision will be made on whether or not Korea would be able to serve as an ICAO Council Member for eight consecutive terms.”

* International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO: ICAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations established in 1947 that sets recommendations and standards for aviation policies around the world, in order to promote sound, peaceful, and orderly development of international civil aviation. (193 Member States)

“The Republic of Korea has been making great efforts as a committed member of the global aviation community, jointly responding to global crises and striving for sustainable development of the aviation industry. Korea has been providing training and scholarship programs for aviation officials from ICAO Member States, and will host the Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation in Asia-Pacific (APAC DGCA) and the Conference on International Air Transport Cooperation (CIAT) in July. Today’s Forum is also part of Korea’s efforts to promote development of the global aviation sector.”

He added, “The rise of the ESG and sustainability trends and innovations in air mobility such as commercialization of UAM will ultimately lead to a paradigm shift in the air travel and airport industry.”

“The International Forum for Airport Innovation will become an optimal place for experts in the field of aviation and airport to exchange their ideas on the current trends and build professional relationships.”

Please refer to the attached PDF.